

How are you? I hope you're doing ok. It's times like this that I realize how much I miss all of the simple things. If I've learned anything during this time of shelter in place, it's how much we all need each other.

As a graphic designer by trade, I've been inspired by the creativity that has come out of this time and of friends and business that are reinventing themselves. The weekly catch-ups and DJ parties, messages in the windows and neighborly treats on our doorstep have kept us going. There have been lots of ups and downs, toddler (and adult) melt downs but I know we're all in it together and everyone has a story. 

I've had this website for years (7) but had left it vacant. I knew I wanted to do something with it but couldn't figure out what. I'm sure it will change and evolve but for now I realize that we're all in this together, and together we can make things happen. Throughout this time in shelter I've been creating a few things here and there to mentally escape since we can't leave our apartment. I've also been partnering up with friends and family to help support some of their causes or simply just lighten the mood. I hope you enjoy these little creations and stay healthy!





Photo Credit: @samra_Jean